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Spectrum Ownership

Saltchuk Resources, Inc

Both Sea Star Line and Spectrum Logistics are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Saltchuk Resources that manages twenty independent marine transportation, air cargo and Intermodal shipping companies that work together to provide a comprehensive, streamlined transportation package for their customers. Saltchuk companies, together, are capable of providing every aspect of support for business conducted on land, air, and sea.

American Shipping Group, Inc.

American Shipping Group (ASG) Inc. is owned by Saltchuk Resources and is the managing partner of Sea Star Line and Spectrum Logistics. ASG Owns 90% of Sea Star and Spectrum Logistics. ASG is headquartered in Federal Way, WA. ASG is a holding company that oversees the performance, management and operation of all Saltchuk deep (blue) water ship companies. Currently, ASG oversees three independently managed businesses: two off-shore domestic liner companies (Sea Star Line and Totem Ocean Trailer Express) and a ship management company for vessel owners (Interocean American Shipping).

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